Job opportunities

I always welcome applications from skilled and motived students for Master and Bachelor thesis.

Portrait by SNSF (german)

About my research    (german)

About marine heatwaves (English)

Science and sailing to collect environmental data during the Vendée Globe race (English)

Unprecedented ocean warming in summer 2023

The Adaptive Emission Reduction Approach

Compound events in the ocean

 (Credit: Foto Lea Hepp)


  • New paper on science priorites for improved Earth system change understanding [Link]
  • Podcast Beitrag: Heisszeit im Meer: Was sind die Folgen [Link]
  • A few thoughts on Hurrican Milton at SRF Tagesschau [Link]
  • New paper on overconfidence in temperature overshoot [Link]
  • Gastbeitrag zum Ozean: Was wäre wenn? [Link]
  • Aug 2024: Interview zu den Rekord-Meerestemperaturen und deren Auswirkungen [Link]
  • Aug 2024: Opinion pieace on the environmental impacts of deep sea mining [Link]
  • Aug 2024: Starting my new role as full professor and deputy head of the division for Climate and Environmental Physics and University of Bern
  • May 2024: A few thoughts on shipping emissions reduction impacts on recrod warm temperatures [Link]
  • Apr 2024: Provided a talk at the CMIP Seminar series [Link]
  • Apr 2024: Ein paar Einschätzungen zum neuen Klimabericht zu Europa [Link1] [Link2]
  • Apr 2024: Eine Replik der Wissenschaft zum Urteil der Klimaseniorinnen [Link]
  • Mar 2024: A few thoughts on the recnet potential regime shift in Antarctic sea ice extent [Link][Link]
  • Mar 2024: A few thoughts on the AMOC in SNSF Horizonte magazine [Link]
  • Feb 2024: Two open PhD positions in my group: 1) Earth system modeling with a focus on adaptive scenarios; 2) Modeling ocean carbon removal and sequestration
  • Jan 2024: New paper on historical and future maximum sea surface temperatures [Link]
  • Jan 2024: Radio SRF interview about record high temperatures in 2023 [Link]
  • Dez 2023: Mega marine heatwaves: a conversation for the AtlantECO podcast [Link]
  • Dez 2023: Ten new insights in climate science has been published [Link]
  • Dez 2023: Das sind die Klimafakten 2023 - Interview for UniAktuell Bern [Link]
  • Dez 2023: Interview at Blue News about COP28 [Link]
  • Nov 2023: Some thoughts on the new climat state report 2023 and COP28 on Tagesschau Swiss Television [Link]
  • Nov 2023: New review paper on the zero emissions commitment [Link]
  • Nov 2023: Providing a lecture on 'Der Nordatlantik hat Fieber' at Volkshochschule Zürich [Link]
  • Nov 2023: New report on the impact of climate change on Indonesia's fisheries and coastal communities [Link]
  • Oct 2023: New paper suggesting that Southern Ocean NPP is potentially predictabe seven to ten years in advance [Link] 
  • Oct 2023: New paper on the irreversible loss in marine ecosystem habitability after a temperature overshoot [Link]
  • Oct 2023: New paper on the key role of compound events for low fish biomass events in the global ocean [Link]
  • Oct 2023: Interview in Le Temps about the record high ocean temperatures [pdf]
  • Sep 2023: Die Ozeane im Hitzestress - Ein Bericht in der Republik [Link]
  • Sep 2023: we helped the European Court of Human Rights by evaluating climate risks for older women in Switzerland and turning them into legal terms. Insights and six takeaways published in a comment by Nature [Link]
  • Sep 2023: New statement featured by WMO and WCRP on the current widespread extent of marine heatwaves [Link].
  • Aug 2023: I will start my new role as a full professor at the Climate and Environmental Physics Division of the University of Bern in August 2024. 
  • Aug 2023: Short appearance in NANO [Link]
  • Aug 2023: New paper in Nature on the limited impact of bottom marine heatwaves on demersal fishes [Link]
  • Aug 2023: New paper out quantifying the drivers of surface ocean acidity extremes [Link]
  • Aug 2023: Portrait by the Swiss National Science Foundation [Deutsch][English][French]
  • Aug 2023: Explainer on the unprecedented ocean warming in summer 2023 [Deutsch] [English]
  • Aug 2023: New paper out showing that solar radiation mangement can not prevent the demise of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet [Link][Press release D E]
  • Aug 2023: Interview in Warum die hohen Meerestemperaturen katastrophal sind [Link]
  • July 2023: SRF4 Radio Interview on recent record SSTs in Mediterranean Sea [Link]
  • July 2023: Interview on recent record temperatures [Link]
  • July 2023: New paper on the anthropogenic attribution of the increasing seasonal amplitude in surface ocean pCO2 [Link]
  • July 2023: Article in die Wochenzeitung on marine heatwaves and fisheries [Link]
  • June 2023: Appearance on Swiss National TV talking about ENSO and record temperatures [Link]
  • June 2023: New report on the environmental impacts of deep-sea mining [Link]
  • June 2023: New paper on the impact of warming and deoxygenation on global marine species [Link]
  • June 2023: Article in Schweiz am Sonntag on North Atlantic heatwaves [Link]
  • June 2023: Interview on the recent global SST record [Link]
  • June 2023: Radio Interview on the environmental impacts of deep-sea mining [Link]
  • May 2023: Interview for Hessischer Rundfunk TV about ocean warming and compound event [Link]
  • May 2023: Interview about ocean compound extremes in Spektrum der Wissenschaft [pdf]
  • May 2023: SRF4 Radio Interview [Link]
  • May 2023: Morgengast beim SRF1 Radio zu der Rekordhitze in den Welmeeren [Link]
  • May 2023: Will be talking at the Pint of Science Festival in Bern [Link]
  • May 2023: Some quotes on the record global SST in die Wochenzeitung [pdf]
  • Apr 2023: Echo der ZEIT SRF Interview über die Rekordwärme in den Weltmeeren [Link]
  • Apr 2023: Some quotes on the recent global record in sea surface temperature in Le Mond [Link]
  • Mar 2023: Contributed to third party intervention for the European Court of Human Rights [Link
  • Mar 2023: New review paper on the use of satellite data to understand the ocean carbon cycle [Link]
  • Feb 2023: New paper on the role of TCRE and non-CO2 GHGs for future ocean acidification [Link]
  • Jan 2023: Presenting at CEP symposium on key knowledge gaps in ocean science.
  • Dec 2022: New paper shows that even small positive emissions may maintain zero warming [Link]
  • Dec 2022: New paper on hotspots and drivers of compound marine heatwaves and low net primary production extremes [Link]
  • Dec 2022: New paper describing a reliable tool for the emissions path to achieving the Paris temperature goal. [Link] [Press release german][Press release english]
  • Oct 2022: Der Meer im hohen Norden versauert. Interview for SRF Wissenschaftsmagazin [Link]
  • Sep 2022: Provided keynote lecture at 5th SFCNS Congress [Link]
  • Sep 2022: New partnership with Oliver Heer and the Polar Institute including ETH and Uni Lausanne to collect environmental data during the 2024 Vendée Globe Campaign. [Link English][Report in German]
  • Sep 2022: New paper on the ocean carbon sink, where we show that the simulated historical global ocean carbon sink by Earth system models is 10% larger than previously thought. [Link][Nature research highlight]
  • Aug 2022: New paper on compound marine heatwaves and ocean acidity extremes published in Nature Communications [Link][Press release german][Press release english]
  • July 2022: Europas Meere in Gefahr: ARD Europamagazin Spezial inklusive Beitrag zu meiner Arbeit [Link]
  • July 2022: SRF4 Radio Interview about "Das Mittelmeer ist zu warm" 
  • July 2022: Severe heatwave in Mediterranean Sea for 70 days, mass mortalities in marine life expected 
  • July 2022: Interview in [Link]
  • June 2022: Interview about marine heatwaves for NDR Wissen [Link]
  • June 2022: Attending the COMFORT GA
  • May 2022: Deliver invited talk on marine heatwaves at ocean decade co-design workshop.
  • May 2022: Presented the H2020 COMFORT findings in the policy brief as part of a policy event organized by EU [Link]
  • May 2022: Presenting at the Living Planet Symposium in Bonn.
  • May 2022: SRF Radio interview about 'Warum Klimaforschenden das Lachen nicht vergeht' [Link]
  • May 2022: New paper published on the local drivers of marine heatwaves in the global ocean [Link]
  • May 2022: Giving 'Festvortrag der Preisträger des Theodor Kocher Preis'
  • May 2022: Invited by the Parlament for the Dialog: "Trendwende Klima und Biodiversität" [Link][Report]
  • Apr 2022: Delivering Keynote at LCS [Link]
  • Apr 2022: Giving a seminar at ICCP Busan [Link]
  • Apr 2022: Talk at AtlantECO GA meeting
  • Apr 2022: Discussing my research with Daniel Probst in podcast 'Interessant' [Link]
  • Apr 2022: Giving seminar at Memorial University [Link]
  • Feb 2022: New study shows that severe lake heatwaves are directly linked to human-induced global warming [Link] [Press]
  • Feb 2022: Talking at ESA's ocean carbon from space workshop [Link]
  • Feb 2022: Talking at Jamin John's farewell symposium
  • Feb 2022: Giving seminar at NASA GMAO [Link]
  • Feb 2022: Giving symposium talk at GEOMAR
  • Jan 2022: New paper outlining the knowledge gaps in risk management and adaptation for extremes and abrupt changes in climate and ocean [Link]
  • Jan 2022: Nearly half of countries' shared fish stocks are on the move due to climate change, prompting dispute concerns. New study out in Global Change Biology [Link]
  • Dez 2021: New perspective paper on ocean biogeochemical extremes and compound events in the Ocean published in Nature [read-only pdf][Press UBern][Press ETHZ]
  • Dez 2021: Farmed seafood supply at risk if we don't act on climate change. New study out in Global Change Biology [Link]
  • Nov 2021: Giving a seminar talk at IAC ETHZ
  • Nov 2021: Delivering Keynote Talk at 3rd ICOS Nordic Symposium [Link]
  • Nov 2021: Outreach talk for Energie Agentur der Wirtschaft [Link]
  • Nov 2021: "Vielen ist nicht bewusst wo wir momentan hinsteuern" Interview in BärnerBär newspaper [Link][Full Interview]
  • Nov 2021: Present at the Physics Colloquium of the University of Bern [Link]
  • Oct 2021: TV Interview RTS in 19h30 [Link]
  • Oct 2021: Published new ScienceBrief Review on marine heatwaves [Link]
  • Oct 2021: Radio Interview Echo der Zeit about the Nobel Prize 2021 in Physics [Link]
  • Oct 2021: "Klimawandel beeinträchtigt Fischfang" New article in Tagesanzeiger [pdf]
  • Oct 2021: Talking at the ORCHESTRA/ENCORE/SARDINE workshop.
  • Oct 2021: Talking at the DAMOCLES workshop on the use of large ensemble to study compound events in the ocean.
  • Oct 2021: New paper in Science Advances on the ecological, economic and social implications of marine heatwaves [Link][Medienmitteilung][Press Release]
  • Sep 2021: Giving keynote talk at the conference on 'Climate Change and sea level rise: Legal consequences from the law of the sea, statehood and affected person perspectives' [Link]
  • Sep 2021: Giving an invited talk at the general assembly of the H2020 project TRIATLAS on the predictability of marine ecosystem drivers [Link]
  • Sep 2021: Talking about ocean compound events at the Virtual Open House of the Ocean Nexus Centre [Link] [Video]
  • Sep 2021: Panel member in session 'Ocean shocks: Key issues for equity and justice' at UN Predicting Ocean event. [Link][Recording]
  • Sep 2021: A new paper, part of the blue food assessment, shows that compound climate hazards pose high risks to sustainable aquatic food systems [Link]
  • Aug 2021: Talking at Sozialdiakoniekonferenz [Link]
  • Aug 2021: New paper published in Global Change Biology lead by Shannon Klein on the impact of marine heatwaves and ocean acidification and warm-water corals [Link].
  • Aug 2021: IPCC AR6 WGI report has been published. Contributed to Chapter 9 [Link]
  • July 2021: Giving Keynote at ORCHESTRA, ENOCRE, RoSES annual meeting.
  • May 2021: New study lead by Tayler Clarke (UBC Vancouver) demonstrates the utilities of the aerobic growth index to study the impacts of ocean warming and deoxygenation on many fishes and invertebrates [Link]
  • May 2021: Providing an overview talk on tipping points in the climate system at AWEL Zurich
  • May 2021: Radio Interview SRF Wissenschaftsmagazin [Link]
  • April 2021: About my research: Fokus Forschung (45 min; in german) [Link]
  • April 2021: New paper in Sciences Advances on the Southern Ocean carbon sink.
  • April 2021: Radio Interview SRF3 on the World Ocean Assessment Report II [Link]
  • April 2021: Giving solicited talk at 2021 on 'Emergent constrains on the Southern  Ocean anthropogenic carbon uptake'
  • April 2021: Contributed to Chapter 9 'Pressures from changes in the climate and atmosphere' of the Second World Ocean Assessment [Link]
  • April 2021: Was listed on Reuters 'Hot List' of the most influential climate scientists [Link].
  • April 2021: Presenting at SOEST Oceanography seminar at U. Hawaii on ocean extreme events and compound events.
  • April 2021: Talking at Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF) about the Gulf Stream and AMOC [Link]
  • Mar 2021: new paper on compound marine heatwave and low-chlorophyll events over the satellite period [Link]
  • Feb 2021: Talking at the Oeschger Centre plenary meeting
  • Feb 2021: Discussing at Science After Noon: Ein Jahr in der Arktis - über die Polarexpedition MOSAIC [Link]
  • Dec 2020: New co-authored paper in Science Advances examining the costs and benefits of marine spatial planning that prepares for climate-driven shifts in marine species distributions [Link ]
  • Nov 2020: New co-author paper in Nature Geosciences on the remaining carbon budget [Link]
  • Oct 2020: Talking at the IOF Seminar of UBC Vancouver.
  • Sep 2020: Two new papers on ocean extremes: (1) High impact marine heatwaves are attributable go global warming. (2) Ocean acidity extremes strongly increase under increasing atmospheric CO2.
  • Sep 2020: Talking about measuring ocean temperatures at Swiss Radio.
  • Sep 2020: Will be talking at the Young Physicist Forum.
  • Sep 2020: The ocean is losing O2 as temperature rise. We show in a new paper that this trend could change as O2 levels in the ocean's different layers respond in their own ways. Lay summary.
  • Sep 2020: Selected by SNSF to present our ocean extremes project at Sciencomm20.
  • Sep 2020: Our recent work on the impact of the Northeast Pacific 2013-2015 marine heatwave on fisheries has been highlighted by Horizonte - Das Schweizer Forschungsmagazin [Link]
  • Sep 2020: Many new papers have been published over the summer break. Check it out here.
  • Jun 2020: Is there warming in the pipeline? New multi-model analysis published about the Zero Emissions Commitment from CO2. [Link]
  • May 2020: Can we project changes in fish abundance and distribution in response to climate? New paper out in GCB [Link]
  • Apr 2020: New paper about marine heatwaves: The return of 'The Blob' could intensify climate change impacts on Northeast Pacific fisheries. [Link]
  • Apr 2020: Can we potentially predict variations in ocean temperature, oxygen, pH or net primary production? Check out our new paper: [Link]
  • Apr 2020: New paper published showing that in about a third of the global ocean thermocline deoxygenation emerges prior to warming. [Link]
  • Mar 2020: Giving a virtual seminar for the Zurich Actuarial Society about the IPCC SROCC
  • Feb 2020: Giving lecture about Climate Change and Facts at FHWN Olten [Link]
  • Feb 2020: Attended the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020 in San Diego. Chairing a session on ocean extremes and prresented recent work on marine heatwaves and potential predictability of marine ecosystem drivers.
  • Feb 2020: Presenting remotely marine heatwaves research to students in Pete Raymonds class at Yale University.
  • Feb 2020: Outreach talk about climate change for Kulturgesellschaft Ebikon [Link]
  • Jan 2020: Giving lecture about  the ocean and their role in the climate system at the Volkshochschule Zürich [Link]
  • Jan 2020: Interview for Swiss Radio SRF about new record in ocean heat content [Link]
  • Jan 2020: New paper shows vulnerability of marine mammals to global warming. Published in Scientific Reports [Link]
  • Jan 2020: Mentioned in the news: Story about the northeast Pacific 2013-2015 marine heatwave and the mass starvation of seabirds [Link]
  • Dec 2019: Recipient of the Theodor Kocher Prize of University of Bern
  • Dec: Short visual summary on the findings of the IPCC SROCC with emphasis on the Mediterranean Sea [Link]
  • Dec 2019: Invited speaker at the Ministerial Segment of COP21 to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention) [Link]
  • Nov 2019: New paper out in GRL: 27 simulations of 15 GCMs are integrated to near equilibrium. All models simulate a higher equilibrium warming than predicted by using extrapolation methods [Link].
  • Nov 2019: New article by the German government featuring our recent papers on ocean acidification [Link]
  • Nov 2019: In the news: Commenting on the Venice floods in Swiss Television [Link].
  • Nov 2019: Wrote editorial in Physik unserer Zeit: Kalter Winter und global Erwärmung - ein Widerspruch? [PDF]
  • Nov 2019: Presenting key findings of IPCC SROCC at University of Bern together with William Cheung [PDF]
  • Oct 2019: Presenting remotely IPCC SROCC Chapter 6 results to students in Rebecca Ash class at East Carolina University.
  • Oct 2019: Giving an outreach talk for UNIC AG.
  • Oct 2019: Giving keynote at University of Innsbruck on main findings of IPCC SROCC [Link]
  • Oct 2019: ZECMIP documentation paper published in GMD [Link]
  • Oct 2019: Attending Kick-off Meeting of H2020 Project COMFORT in Bergen on tipping points in the ocean where I am co-leading WP2 on 'Dynamics, extremes, early warning indicators, and reversibility'
  • Oct 2019: Giving invited talk at 'Estimating the impact of climate change on Living Marine Resources: Sources of and constraints on uncertainties in climate models' workshop at Bjerkness Centre
  • Sep 2019: Extended Radio Interview in Echo der Zeit about IPCC SROCC
  • Sep 2019: Interview with FAZ [Link]
  • Sep 2019: IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and the Cryosphere in a changing climate has been approved. Was a lead author on chapter 6 about Extremes, Abrupt changes and Managing Risk [Link].
  • Interview with Uniaktuell about the upcoming IPCC SROCC [Link]
  • Sep 2019: Talking at Rendez-vous Science [Link]
  • Aug 2019: When will we observed significant changes in the ocean due to climate change? New paper published in Nature Climate Change [Link][Press Release]
  • July 2019: New paper on the "mechanisms of millennial-scale atmospheric CO2 change in numerical models simulations" published [Link].
  • July 2019: THEODOR KOCHER PRIZE: I will be the recipient of the 2019 Theodor Kocher Prize of the University of Bern (more information will become available here)
  • July 2019: Going to speak at Innolab [Link]
  • June 2019: New ZECMIP documentation paper published in GMDD [Link]
  • May 2019: My recent AMS 2019 presentation about marine heatwaves highlighted in the March issue of BAMS [pdf]
  • May 2019: Giving a seminar at the Evolutionary Biology Institut of the University of Basel.
  • April 2019: Giving three outreach talks for Egger Holzbau, Kiwanis Solothurn and CVP Schlierbach
  • April 2019: Sitting on a panel to discuss proposal writing organized by EURESEARCH.
  • April 2019: Wrote a short summary/commentary about a recent paleo Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation study. Published today in
  • April 2019: Mentioned in the news: Das passiert durch die Erderwärmung im Ozean [WDR/]
  • April 2019: Two talks at EGU on Monday 16:15 and on Thursday 17:00.
  • March 2019: Talking about predictability of marine ecosystem drivers at C4MIP workshop in Barcelona
  • March 2019: Talking about marine heatwave at the CMIP6 analysis workshop.
  • March 2019: Talking about ocean under stress at Physik am Freitag at University of Bern.
  • March 2019: Talking about Climate Change to the Swiss Engineering Society in Baden.
  • March 2019: Attending the LAM4 of the IPCC SROCC in Kazan, Russia.
  • Jan 2019: New feature article in Science highlights our marine heatwave study
  • Jan 2019: Participating at expert workshop on remaining carbon budgets
  • Jan 2019: Presenting latest marine heatwave work at AMS 2019 and UBC Vancouver.
  • Nov 2018: Talking about climate change and the oceans at Berufsbildungszentrum Olten.
  • Nov 2018: Interview in Zeitung D'Region [pdf]
  • Nov 2018: Our marine heatwave study highlighted in EOS.
  • Nov 2018: Speaking at the symposium of the Swiss Society for Meteorology. Here.
  • Nov 2018: Giving a NOAA webinar about marine heatwaves on Nov. 15. Check out here.
  • Nov 2018: Mentioned in the news: Story about ocean heat content changes: BBC
  • Oct 2018: Mentioned in the news: Story about ocean oxygen decline: Oceana
  • Sep 2018: Mentioned in the news: Story about coral reefs: Axios
  • Aug 2018: New paper out in Global Change Biology showing that local actions through effective fisheries management can reduce the probability of those species' extinction risk by as much as 63 percent [Link][Media release]
  • August 15 2018: Our marine heatwave paper released in Nature.
  • We show that marine heatwaves have increased in recent decades and will increase further in terms of frequency, intensity, duration and spatial extent.
  • Full access (read only): here
  • Nature podcast (starts at 06:28): here
  • Nature News: here
  • Media release University of Bern: English, Deutsch 
  • Media coverage: Tagesanzeiger, BlickSDA, NYTIMES, PHYS.ORGEarther, Carbonbrief, AXIOS, Le Parisien, Correio Brasiliense, Klimareporter, Forbes, and others.